Matúš Benko ; Patrick Mehlitz - On implicit variables in optimization theory

jnsao:7215 - Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization, August 6, 2021, Volume 2 -
On implicit variables in optimization theoryArticle

Authors: Matúš Benko ; Patrick Mehlitz ORCID

    Implicit variables of a mathematical program are variables which do not need to be optimized but are used to model feasibility conditions. They frequently appear in several different problem classes of optimization theory comprising bilevel programming, evaluated multiobjective optimization, or nonlinear optimization problems with slack variables. In order to deal with implicit variables, they are often interpreted as explicit ones. Here, we first point out that this is a light-headed approach which induces artificial locally optimal solutions. Afterwards, we derive various Mordukhovich-stationarity-type necessary optimality conditions which correspond to treating the implicit variables as explicit ones on the one hand, or using them only implicitly to model the constraints on the other. A detailed comparison of the obtained stationarity conditions as well as the associated underlying constraint qualifications will be provided. Overall, we proceed in a fairly general setting relying on modern tools of variational analysis. Finally, we apply our findings to different well-known problem classes of mathematical optimization in order to visualize the obtained theory.

    Volume: Volume 2
    Section: Original research articles
    Published on: August 6, 2021
    Accepted on: August 5, 2021
    Submitted on: February 24, 2021
    Keywords: Mathematics - Optimization and Control,49J53, 90C30, 90C33
      Source : OpenAIRE Graph
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